Tango Open

The New Passage to the World with the Innovative Spirit of “Tango Open”
Looking at Japan from the viewpoint of creators around the world, it seems that beauty resources that stimulate the power of creativity are unprecedentedly buried in
the area called TANGO.
To the future which is free from the conventional craftsmanship and tradition up till now.
TANGO’ s door is open for people who are going to create the next era. The beginning of new beauty that will spin Japanese culture into the future will be dispatched from TANGO.
History of silk textile originated from TANGO, Kyoto. “Tango Chirimen” has supported the Japanese clothing culture as a representative fabric of kimono since it was first created in 1720. A material of fine quality feeling that carries tradition and formality. From which, a unique charm and technique are cultivated. To the world and to the future.
A new challenge for the next 300 years has begun at TANGO.
TANGO OPEN. 2020 to 2320.
• Creation Studio Itoasobi
• Isshiki textile Co., Ltd.
• Miyashin Co., Ltd.
• Tamiya Raden Ltd.
• Tanikatsu Textile Factory
• Tayuh Textile Industry Corp.
• Yasuda Textile.Co., Ltd.
• Yushisha